WordPress Web Design

Creative and robust website design with a focus on small businesses, groups and individuals.

Starting a website can be overwhelming. Let me make it simple.

Whether you’re updating an old site or starting the process for the very first time – starting a website project can be a daunting and intimidating task.  It doesn’t have to be – when you have the right partner.

Perhaps you’ve tried one of the free or DIY services such as Wix, GoDaddy and SquareSpace. While they can seem like a good solution for some, they’re not for everyone – and they’re not as easy to use as they make you believe. What started off sounding like a good idea, often results in headaches and a waste of time.

 I can eliminate the stress and worry of getting it done right – so you can focus on your business. Before you know it, you’ll be un and running!

A few sample site designs

affordable website design for Keaton's Landscaping

Keaton’s Landscaping

affordable web design for Flawless Launch

Flawless Launch

affordable website design for Midwifery Funders Group

Midwifery Funders Group

We make getting a website easy.

Save time, money and your sanity by working with us to get your website up and running…quickly and efficiently. We can help you with the necessary steps in getting started.

Domain name registration – we’ll help you get that perfect web address to get things started.

Web hosting – We offer web hosting thru our preferred partner Bluehost.com. We can also use your existing web host if you prefer.

Design and Launch – Once your new site is ready to go, we’ll launch the site to your hosting account for public viewing.

We Design for Mobile Platforms, too.

All our websites are done as responsive – meaning they work on all devices: desktop computer, tablets and mobile phones. Not only does this ensure your website properly no matter how it’s being viewed, but it also complies with Google’s requirements of being mobile-friendly. The benefit is that your site will rank properly in Google and other search engines.

Our Process and Workflow.

Our approach is easy and transparent. We’re with you every step of the way.

Project Research

We get to know you and  your business and who your target audience is.

Site Design and Mock Ups

We’ll then start mocking up the design to share our thoughts with you.

Staging and Development

We’ll build the new site on a staging server, where you’ll see it come to life.


Once content and editing are finished and approved, we’ll launch your new site.

Let's Work Together!

It costs nothing to talk. Shoot me a note about your project, and let's talk to see if working together is a good fit.

Please complete the form below.